Benefits of Eating CucumberBenefits of Eating Cucumber

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Do you want to know about the benefits of eating cucumber? Cucumber is very good for the body. A cucumber is not a vegetable. According to a botanical definition, it is a fruit. Eating fruits is good for the body; So is cucumber. It contains potassium, magnesium, and fiber. Cucumber needs to be eaten regularly to keep the body healthy from the inside, not only. Now cucumbers are available in the market throughout the year.

Let’s know about the health benefits of eating cucumber daily:

Aids in digestion :

Vitamins, dietary fiber, and water in cucumber help in the digestion of food. An enzyme called Erepsin relieves long-term constipation.

Kidney stones :

Eating cucumber regularly helps to dissolve kidney stones. The watery part of the cucumber helps in urinary, bladder, and liver problems by removing waste and pollutants from the body.

Weight Loss :

Cucumber is high in water and low in calories. As a result, eating cucumber regularly works like magic to reduce body weight.

Beauty :

Apart from maintaining health, cucumber helps to refresh dull and dry skin. Its vitamin B niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C, and zinc keep skin glowing.

In hair and nail care :

Regular consumption of cucumber will show its effect on hair and nails. Cucumber contains minerals that refresh and strengthen hair and nails. Sulfur and silica present in cucumber help in hair growth.

Dehydration :

Cucumber is very useful in meeting the water requirement of the body as it contains about 95 percent water. It overcomes weakness and refreshes quickly.

Blood pressure control :

Cucumber contains Vitamin B1, Vitamin B5, Vitamin B7, Vitamin C, Magnesium, Silica, and Potassium which helps in controlling anxiety and blood pressure in the body.

Cucumber is also beneficial for heart and lung problems.

There are many benefits of eating cucumber in our daily life. Everyone should eat cucumber to live a healthy and beautiful life. The habit of eating cucumber will also rid us of many diseases.

By Misbah Uddin Ahmed (Nizum)

Misbah Uddin Ahmed (Nizum), Medical Technologist, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh.

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